CCUS SET-Plan: Grant farewell and future perspectives
The European Strategic Energy Plan for CCUS (CCUS SET-Plan) is organising the event “Grant farewell and future perspectives” that will be held on Friday, 1 April 2022 (online) from 10:00 - 13:00 CET.
The SET-Plan is a European initiative that brings together the European Commission, national authorities, industrial and research stakeholders to coordinate efforts towards climate-neutral energy systems. Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is recognised as one of the ten priority actions defined by the SET-Plan to help reach the EU’s climate goals.
IMPACTS9 is the EU-funded project that supports the operationalisation of the CCUS SET-Plan and after three years of operations, it comes to a closing.
Join us on the 1st of April and have a closer look on:
- How the EU Commission is supporting the deployment of CCS and CCU with policies, and funding instruments
- The progress in the development of some flagship CCS and CCU projects in Europe
- The main achievements of the CCUS SET-Plan and future perspectives
Draft agenda and registration form can be found here.