CO2 Utilisation


The objective of the 4th subgroup is the acceleration of the deployment of CCU technologies for the production of marketable products like fuels, chemicals and materials at larger scale and wider geographical areas. This is achieved through bringing together relevant stakeholders (through workshops, webinars) along the CCU value chain. Furthermore, the goal of the subgroup is to identify barriers in the road of commercialization of CCU products from a technical, regulatory and sustainability point of view.


The subgroup is led by CO2 Value Europe and the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidary Transition. It includes members like the PHOENIX Initiative, RVO (NL), Forschungszentrum Jülich (DE), Sotacarbo (IT), DECHEMA (DE), ADEME (FR), EWI (BE).

Key activities realized so far

An important workshop on funding opportunities for CCU projects (focusing on the Innovation Fund and the last calls for H2020) took place in September 2019 bringing together approximately 100 industrial and research stakeholders. A further webinar on Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) took place in January to explore the possibilities of CCU projects being included in the IPCEI of “Hydrogen Technologies” and “Low CO2 emission industries”. Furthermore, mapping activities of CCU projects, funding mechanisms for CCU and CCU initiatives are ongoing.

Work forward

The work forwarded consists of the elaboration of a report on challenges and barriers that prevent CCU technologies to be deployed at large scale and CCU products to be introduced in the market. Furthermore, an assessment of the progress in achieving current CCU targets in the SET-Plan will lead the discussions on possible target updates.

Related Set-Plan targets: 8, 9

Related R&I activity: 7