CO2 Modeling
The objective of the 5th subgroup to review the Impact Assessment Models (IAM) that underpin European decarbonisation scenarios to identify credible ranges of CO2 mitigation delivered by CCS, CCU and CCUS-enabled negative emissions against different level of European CO2 emission reduction ambition. We will investigate these models further to provide insights on the sectoral and geographical allocation of the CO2 mitigation and the associated socio-economic impact of CCS and CCU technologies.
The work is led by CCSA
Key activities realized so far
A tender is released
Work forward
The work forward consists of an assessment of the role that CCS and CCU can play in 2030 and 2050 scenarios Combining the modeling work and the reports on challenges, barriers and opportunities form all the subgroups, a 2030 CCS and CCU roadmap towards a climate neutral economy will be produced.
Related Set-Plan targets: 10
Related R&I activity: 8