CO2 Capture


The objective of the 2nd subgroup is to identify opportunities and barriers for the large-scale deployment of capture technologies. To enable rapid progress complying with SET-Plan targets, the Capture subgroup focuses on enabling the development of:

  • At least 3 new capture pilots
  • Scaling up of promising capture technologies
  • Securing funding for the most promising capture technologies


Participants in the subgroup´s activities comprise stakeholders from industry, R&D, funding agents and technology providers. The project is constantly seeking more stakeholders to participate in the activities. Along with the subgroup leader SINTEF, distinguished contributors to the work in the subgroup include GASSNOVA (NO), TNO (NL), ETN Global (EU), CATO (NL) and the CCUS Project Network (EU).

Key activities realized so far

From November 2019 through April 2020, a series of four webinars will be arranged under the title “Defining gaps and R&I priorities enabling CO2 capture in Europe”, covering a range of highly relevant topics for CO2 capture. Key stakeholders are invited to present activities they take part in and/or to join in on the discussion taking place in the webinars. The objective is to identify industry needs and R&I priorities for enabling CO2 capture. Three of those webinars have already taken place:

  1. Webinar #1: Focusing on the industrial and end-user perspective
  2. Webinar #2: Focusing on R&I needs for CO2 capture for H2 production and transport
  3. Webinar #3: Focusing on R&I needs for CO2 capture in the industry

Based on the knowledge exchange during the webinars, input has been provided to the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) on key R&I activities for CCUS, in collaboration with ZEP and EERA.

Work forward

Going forward, SINTEF will lead the work on synthesizing key takeaways from the subgroup´s activities and, based on this, provide reports and recommendations to the IWG9. This will include the assessment of the status of current SET-Plan targets and recommendation for updates – if necessary – to future targets.

Related Set-Plan targets: 6

Related R&I activity: 6