About the project
Current project
Support stakeholders on Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage of ETIP ZEP and IWG9
- A 3-year (1 July 2022 – 30 June 2025) Coordinated and Support Action Horizon Europe project funded by the European Union.
- SINTEF Energy is the Coordinator for the project.
- The Carbon Capture and Storage Association ASBL is the Secretariate and leads the work of the project.
The overarching goal of this project is:
- To bring together and further develop a strong inclusive network of CCUS stakeholders – effectively interconnecting and coordinating the activities of CCUS European Technology Innovation Platform (the Zero Emissions Platform, ZEP) and the CCUS SET Plan Implementation Plan Working Group (IWG9) – to support the development and implementation of the SET Plan.
- To support the alignment and efficient coordination of stakeholders – including industry, researchers, public authorities, civil society – in order to accelerate the delivery of the CCUS research and innovation activities and to progress the emerging policy priorities at EU and national level for the implementation of CCUS, will be crucial over the coming years for Europe to reach the ambitious climate targets for 2030 and 2050.
This will be achieved by:
- Efficiently aligning and coordinating the activities of ZEP and the IWG9 in a joint work programme
- Establishing networks and other fora to enable the stakeholders to collaborate and coordinate effectively, pooling expertise, experience and resources to address common challenges
- Engaging also with other programmes and external stakeholders, facilitating engagement and creating greater interaction and cohesion between the different CCUS activities
- Supporting the CCUS community to develop clear strategies and recommendations, accompanied by a strong continuous programme for outreach, dissemination and communication.

IMPACTS9 will achieve its goal by
- Supporting coordination of the CCUS sector and strengthening of partnerships between national, EU, industrial and academic stakeholders.
- Rationalising and increasing the public and private funding sources needed for delivery of the CCUS R&I activities and monitoring their delivery.
- Preparing the framework conditions for an accelerated deployment of CCUS technologies.
- Supporting dissemination and communication of the delivery of the CCUS SET-Plan targets.
- Ensuring cross-thematic coordination with the Implementation Plans established to deliver the other SET Plan targets.
IMPACTS9 has been structured in a way that would allow the support in the activities that are undertaken within the CCUS SET-Plan and its Implementing Working group (IWG9)
WP1 considers ethics issues and is a standard WP in all H2020 funded projects
WP2 is led by CCSA and deals with the management of IMPACTS9 and the support to the operation of IWG9.
WP3 is led by BGS and deals with the support to the realisation of the CCUS SET-Plan targets. This will be achieved through the follow-up of the 5 IWG9 subgroups (SG) that IMPACTS9 is mirroring:
- SG1 on full-scale projects, clusters and infrastructure led by CCSA
- SG2 on capture led by SINTEF
- SG3 on storage led by BGS
- SG4 on utilisation led by CO2VE
- SG5 on modeling led by CCSA
WP4 is led by SINTEF and sets the framework conditions for large scale deployment of CCUS technologies.
WP5 is led by CO2VE and deals with the communication and dissemination activities.